Small Groups meet throughout the week to build relationships and learn together. These groups stick together from season to season and year to year, creating lasting relationships that support each other as we follow Jesus. Find a group for you!
Parents' Sermon-Based Small Group (1st and 3rd Sundays, 6pm @ TCC)
This group meets at the same time as youth group and Kids Club. Nursery care is provided too! Bring the whole family then join us as we discuss the sermons, share prayer requests, and build relationships.
Led by Matt & Casey Holmes
Led by Matt & Casey Holmes
Men's Discussion Group (Mondays, 8am @ TCC)
This group is an adult men’s fellowship breakfast group focusing on prayer, life, and Scripture conversations. The present discussion is centered on the NT book of Hebrews.
Led by Frank Loyd
Led by Frank Loyd
Tuesday Morning Sermon-Based Small Group (Tuesdays, 9am on Zoom)
This group meets via zoom every Tuesday morning to pray and discuss the sermon. We are an “older” group of long time Christians but welcome anyone to join us.
Click the button below to request zoom login information from the church office.
Click the button below to request zoom login information from the church office.
Women's Bible Study (Wednesdays, 6pm @ TCC)
This group meets on Wednesday nights for prayer, fellowship and Bible study through a guided curriculum.
Taught by Kris Jakubowksi
Taught by Kris Jakubowksi
Wednesday Night Sermon-Based Small Group (Wednesdays, 6pm @ TCC)
This group, led by Rod Marshall, gathers in the church building on Wednesday nights to discuss the weekly sermon. Everyone welcome!
Men's Small Group (1st and 3rd Fridays, 9:30am @ Shari's)
This group meets twice a month at the Lancaster Sheri's for coffee, breakfast (for some), and discussion about the challenges of building godly character. Men of all ages and life stages are welcome!
Ladies' Movie Night (First Friday of the month, 6:30pm @ TCC)
All ladies are invited to enjoy fellowship through watching a movie and praying together. After the movie we will share in a time of prayer for our church and community. Invite a friend to come with you, and bring a snack to share!