March 2024 Newsletter
Turner Christian Church Connection Newsletter

Today I am a proud pastor. Last night was the TCC Talent Show--which was a whim I had, an idea that maybe a talent show would give us all a chance to get to know each other better. I thought it might be fun. And you know what? It turned out to be so much more. What I saw last night was, in my opinion, our church at its very best. Not our most polished, not our most professional, not our most perfect--but at our most honest, our most earnest, and our most Christian. Here's what I mean:
Last night, on our church stage, we had twelve acts. The performers ranged from 4 years old to 85. We had singing, gymnastics, piano, Tai Chi, a Rubik's Cube, cross-stitching. We had people display talents they had finely-tuned over years of practice, and hobbies that they dabbled with in their spare time. Some were confident and some were nervous, some were enthusiastic and some were reserved. None of them were professionals. I feel like it represented our congregation as honestly as any event could have. And you know what makes me the most proud? It's not my son's performance (though I am a proud father); I am most proud of the audience. Because that is where we had a chance to be the church. Our audience was kind and patient and supportive and genuinely enthusiastic. They made it easy for people to perform. And towards the end of the program, some of the kids were getting restless (as kids tend to do) but you were patient with that too, and the event had a great atmosphere from beginning to end. I am especially proud because that crowd was not just members of our congregation, but also a lot of preschool families who were encountering us for the first time. And I can't think of a better way to introduce them to our congregation.
See, this is what I think God's church is all about. It's not about production value. It's not about smooth transitions and professional performances and being perfectly entertaining. It's not about putting on a production that requires no patience from the congregation. In some way it's not about what goes on up front at all. It's about the kind of crowd we are--the way we support and enjoy and encourage each other. We are at our most Christ-like when we cheer wildly for a kindergartener singing along to her favorite Disney song, or when we look silly dancing like penguins with the preschool class. We are at our most Christian when we offer the same "oohs" and "aahs" for piano-playing and cross stitches and Tai Chi and Virginia's brownies. We are the church when we are a family of believers who love and support each other as we are--and work together to become, by the power of Jesus Christ, who he made us to be.
Thank you for being that kind of church. I am so proud of you all--not just for last night, but for every time you show this kind of love and support to each other. Keep it up!
Last night, on our church stage, we had twelve acts. The performers ranged from 4 years old to 85. We had singing, gymnastics, piano, Tai Chi, a Rubik's Cube, cross-stitching. We had people display talents they had finely-tuned over years of practice, and hobbies that they dabbled with in their spare time. Some were confident and some were nervous, some were enthusiastic and some were reserved. None of them were professionals. I feel like it represented our congregation as honestly as any event could have. And you know what makes me the most proud? It's not my son's performance (though I am a proud father); I am most proud of the audience. Because that is where we had a chance to be the church. Our audience was kind and patient and supportive and genuinely enthusiastic. They made it easy for people to perform. And towards the end of the program, some of the kids were getting restless (as kids tend to do) but you were patient with that too, and the event had a great atmosphere from beginning to end. I am especially proud because that crowd was not just members of our congregation, but also a lot of preschool families who were encountering us for the first time. And I can't think of a better way to introduce them to our congregation.
See, this is what I think God's church is all about. It's not about production value. It's not about smooth transitions and professional performances and being perfectly entertaining. It's not about putting on a production that requires no patience from the congregation. In some way it's not about what goes on up front at all. It's about the kind of crowd we are--the way we support and enjoy and encourage each other. We are at our most Christ-like when we cheer wildly for a kindergartener singing along to her favorite Disney song, or when we look silly dancing like penguins with the preschool class. We are at our most Christian when we offer the same "oohs" and "aahs" for piano-playing and cross stitches and Tai Chi and Virginia's brownies. We are the church when we are a family of believers who love and support each other as we are--and work together to become, by the power of Jesus Christ, who he made us to be.
Thank you for being that kind of church. I am so proud of you all--not just for last night, but for every time you show this kind of love and support to each other. Keep it up!

I've Been Thinking About. . .Fitting In!
In a church family, it’s not uncommon to look around and think, “there are not a lot of people here who are like me.” Whether you are a single parent, young retiree, theater-obsessed teenager, dinosaur-passionate 3rd grader or senior with no grandkids . . . you can glance around the filled sanctuary and feel alone. You might wonder where your place is.
This is not idle speculation from me about the thoughts of our congregation. This is based on real conversations I have with people, about how they fit in to this church family. Because wherever you are in life, it’s easy to feel like your experience, your circumstances, or your giftings leave you exposed.
And here’s the thing: they do.
This is not idle speculation from me about the thoughts of our congregation. This is based on real conversations I have with people, about how they fit in to this church family. Because wherever you are in life it’s easy to feel like your experiences or your circumstances, or your giftings leave you exposed.
And here’s the thing: they do.
In every church, whatever size, we all have a role to play. But particularly in a local, intergenerationally focused church like ours, each of us has a high value in what we offer. There are very few people in this congregation that have your particular life experiences or your particular set of skills. When you offer what God has given you, the whole community benefits. When you show up, the whole community benefits. The way God works through you is needed in this congregation.
There can be a lot of comfort when we look around and see people that look like us or are in the same phase of life. But the family of God is diverse. We are a better representation of the kingdom when our worship includes those from all walks of life. (For an example, look at the martyrs in Revelation 7:9-12). It can be scary or seem isolating to feel like the “only one” in a category. But that doesn’t require you to become an extrovert, or to start broadcasting your differences more than you want to. Rather, you have the invitation to find ways to use the gifts and talents God has given you uniquely. Rather, you get to bless the community in a way that only you can.
As a community, we are called to welcome you into that space. We should support you as you find your footing, develop your calling, serve, and grow.
All of this requires a huge amount of grace on the part of everybody. There will be misunderstandings. There will be struggles as we all seek to work together and to grow. But we can only grow in those necessary ways with “you.”
I encourage you, the next time you look around the sanctuary and feel different, remember that the difference is necessary and valuable to the kingdom.
Bless you for being part of this church family.
For reflection of this topic, ponder 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.
If you would like to get involved in serving in the church, please speak with myself or Pastor Matt about opportunities.
In a church family, it’s not uncommon to look around and think, “there are not a lot of people here who are like me.” Whether you are a single parent, young retiree, theater-obsessed teenager, dinosaur-passionate 3rd grader or senior with no grandkids . . . you can glance around the filled sanctuary and feel alone. You might wonder where your place is.
This is not idle speculation from me about the thoughts of our congregation. This is based on real conversations I have with people, about how they fit in to this church family. Because wherever you are in life, it’s easy to feel like your experience, your circumstances, or your giftings leave you exposed.
And here’s the thing: they do.
This is not idle speculation from me about the thoughts of our congregation. This is based on real conversations I have with people, about how they fit in to this church family. Because wherever you are in life it’s easy to feel like your experiences or your circumstances, or your giftings leave you exposed.
And here’s the thing: they do.
In every church, whatever size, we all have a role to play. But particularly in a local, intergenerationally focused church like ours, each of us has a high value in what we offer. There are very few people in this congregation that have your particular life experiences or your particular set of skills. When you offer what God has given you, the whole community benefits. When you show up, the whole community benefits. The way God works through you is needed in this congregation.
There can be a lot of comfort when we look around and see people that look like us or are in the same phase of life. But the family of God is diverse. We are a better representation of the kingdom when our worship includes those from all walks of life. (For an example, look at the martyrs in Revelation 7:9-12). It can be scary or seem isolating to feel like the “only one” in a category. But that doesn’t require you to become an extrovert, or to start broadcasting your differences more than you want to. Rather, you have the invitation to find ways to use the gifts and talents God has given you uniquely. Rather, you get to bless the community in a way that only you can.
As a community, we are called to welcome you into that space. We should support you as you find your footing, develop your calling, serve, and grow.
All of this requires a huge amount of grace on the part of everybody. There will be misunderstandings. There will be struggles as we all seek to work together and to grow. But we can only grow in those necessary ways with “you.”
I encourage you, the next time you look around the sanctuary and feel different, remember that the difference is necessary and valuable to the kingdom.
Bless you for being part of this church family.
For reflection of this topic, ponder 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.
If you would like to get involved in serving in the church, please speak with myself or Pastor Matt about opportunities.

In March we set out on an exciting adventure at our preschool, exploring the beauty of God’s creation through our hiking theme. Beyond just fun and exploration, our goal is to instill in our students a lifelong value - the ability to find God in nature and experience His presence in the world around them.
As we take our nature walks around the church and tabernacle this month, we aim to guide our students in recognizing the sacredness of the outdoors and the peace it can bring to their hearts. Just as the cool breeze and open spaces have a calming effect on our students, we want them to understand that nature is a gateway to encountering God’s love and grace.
In the midst of the hustle and bustle of daily life, I have come to appreciate the power of nature in calming and centering children. I realized early on that my girls found peace and wonder outdoors, especially when they were experiencing big emotions. I have watched our preschoolers find similar experiences when we go outside. When their minds are at peace, they are more receptive to learning, which is why we embrace passive learning experiences in the great outdoors.
I invite each one of you to join us in seeking God’s peace in the midst of our chaotic world this month. Take the extra time to step outside, lift your eyes up to the mountains, and experience the presence of God in the serenity of nature.
As we take our nature walks around the church and tabernacle this month, we aim to guide our students in recognizing the sacredness of the outdoors and the peace it can bring to their hearts. Just as the cool breeze and open spaces have a calming effect on our students, we want them to understand that nature is a gateway to encountering God’s love and grace.
In the midst of the hustle and bustle of daily life, I have come to appreciate the power of nature in calming and centering children. I realized early on that my girls found peace and wonder outdoors, especially when they were experiencing big emotions. I have watched our preschoolers find similar experiences when we go outside. When their minds are at peace, they are more receptive to learning, which is why we embrace passive learning experiences in the great outdoors.
I invite each one of you to join us in seeking God’s peace in the midst of our chaotic world this month. Take the extra time to step outside, lift your eyes up to the mountains, and experience the presence of God in the serenity of nature.

Kendra Lambert
was baptized into Christ and became a member
of Turner Christian Church on February 18, 2024!

Everyone is invited to help Irene celebrate this special birthday on Saturday, April 6th!
Irene will be in the Dining Hall at Turner Retirement Homes from 2:00―4:00 pm
and you are welcome to drop by to extend greetings and congratulations to Irene.
Irene will be in the Dining Hall at Turner Retirement Homes from 2:00―4:00 pm
and you are welcome to drop by to extend greetings and congratulations to Irene.

Pacific Northwest Scholarship Dinner
at Turner Christian Church
Dr. Ron Kastens, Guest Speaker
Saturday, March 16, 2024
4:00 pm • $8.00 (pay at door)
at Turner Christian Church
Dr. Ron Kastens, Guest Speaker
Saturday, March 16, 2024
4:00 pm • $8.00 (pay at door)
The Emmanuel Christian Seminary Northwest Student Scholarship Dinner is a fund raising event to raise money for scholarships for students from the Northwest attending Emmanuel Christian Seminary in Johnson City, Tennessee.
The event will begin at 4:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The dinner will consist of a salad, baked potato bar and dessert. The program will include greeting from the school by the new Dean, Dr. Ron Kastens, testimonies from a couple of Northwest students who are current recipients of the scholarship, a drawing for door-prizes, and a opportunity to make a contribution to the scholarship fund. Plan on coming for an enjoyable time of fellowship and good will!
The event will begin at 4:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The dinner will consist of a salad, baked potato bar and dessert. The program will include greeting from the school by the new Dean, Dr. Ron Kastens, testimonies from a couple of Northwest students who are current recipients of the scholarship, a drawing for door-prizes, and a opportunity to make a contribution to the scholarship fund. Plan on coming for an enjoyable time of fellowship and good will!

Come one, come all, to an All Church Dinner at Turner Christian Church sponsored by the Family & Seniors Ministry Teams. We will be having corn beef and cabbage (along with other veggies) for dinner. The dinner will be held directly after morning worship. Be sure to wear green and come prepared to enjoy yourselves. Can anyone dance an Irish jig?

The Turner Christian Church library has a begun a special project to update and expand their offerings in the Kids Corner and Youth Section! Please consider checking out our Amazon Wish List for books we have chosen as great additions to our library.
If you have any questions, please email:
Here's the link for the wish list:
If you have any questions, please email:
Here's the link for the wish list:

Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 10:00 am
Volunteer Opportunities!
Please contact Pastor Rachel or the Church Office
if you can help in any of these areas!
Egg-Hiders: at 8:30 am
Come out and put out all the Eggs! (8-10 people needed)
Greeters for Sanctuary: at 9:40 am
Come and welcome our guests and help them know where to go!
(3-4 people needed) 30 minute commitment (9:40-10:10 am)
Greeters for Fellowship Hall: at 10:10 am
Welcome our egg-hunters into the fellowship Hall,
directing them to food and activities. 2-3 people needed.
20 minute commitment (10:10-10:30 am)
Section Leaders: at 9:45 am
Welcome our guests into their age-divided section.
Lead them to their hunting area and get the hunting started!
6-7 people needed. 45 minute commitment (9:45-10:30 am)
Playground Monitors (adults only):
2 slots - 10:30-11:00 or 11:00-11:30:
Help ensure safe play for kids on the playground after the hunt.
2-4 volunteers needed. 30 minute commitments.
(Choose the time you can serve)
Clean-Up Crew:
End of Event—Until Done
Sweep the grounds for remaining eggs, put tables and chairs away,
take out the trash, and in every way help prepare the church
to be ready for Easter Sunday! As many volunteers as we can get
are needed―the more people, the quicker the clean-up goes.
Please continue to bring bags of miniature candy for the egg hunt
and deposit them in the boxes in the foyer or in the church office by March 24th!
Volunteers are also needed to help to put candy in the plastic eggs
on Thursday, March 28th at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.
Please contact Pastor Rachel or the Church Office
if you can help in any of these areas!
Egg-Hiders: at 8:30 am
Come out and put out all the Eggs! (8-10 people needed)
Greeters for Sanctuary: at 9:40 am
Come and welcome our guests and help them know where to go!
(3-4 people needed) 30 minute commitment (9:40-10:10 am)
Greeters for Fellowship Hall: at 10:10 am
Welcome our egg-hunters into the fellowship Hall,
directing them to food and activities. 2-3 people needed.
20 minute commitment (10:10-10:30 am)
Section Leaders: at 9:45 am
Welcome our guests into their age-divided section.
Lead them to their hunting area and get the hunting started!
6-7 people needed. 45 minute commitment (9:45-10:30 am)
Playground Monitors (adults only):
2 slots - 10:30-11:00 or 11:00-11:30:
Help ensure safe play for kids on the playground after the hunt.
2-4 volunteers needed. 30 minute commitments.
(Choose the time you can serve)
Clean-Up Crew:
End of Event—Until Done
Sweep the grounds for remaining eggs, put tables and chairs away,
take out the trash, and in every way help prepare the church
to be ready for Easter Sunday! As many volunteers as we can get
are needed―the more people, the quicker the clean-up goes.
Please continue to bring bags of miniature candy for the egg hunt
and deposit them in the boxes in the foyer or in the church office by March 24th!
Volunteers are also needed to help to put candy in the plastic eggs
on Thursday, March 28th at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.

Maundy Thursday, March 28th at 7:00 pm
Maundy Thursday recalls the events of the Last Supper, when Jesus instituted
communion and gave us his greatest command: to love each other. Join us in this service
as we reenact the Last Supper by experiencing the big moments in the meal, including
hand-washing, communion, hymns and prayer.
Good Friday, March 29th at 7:00 pm
This service focuses on the death and burial of Jesus Christ. As we tell the story of
Good Friday, we will have the opportunity to feel the impact of the death of Jesus,
and to show our respect and gratitude as he is laid in the tomb.
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service, March 31st at 6:30 am
Discover the empty tomb with us at Sunrise on Easter Sunday! We will gather away from
the sanctuary, then enter the sanctuary to find the tomb empty—and then we celebrate! (Please do not feel the need to dress up for this service. Mary and the other women were
not dressed to celebrate when they went to the tomb. Feel free to roll out of bed and
throw on some comfy clothes. Kids are welcome to come in their pajamas! Then you can
go home and get ready for the celebration!)
Easter Sunday Potluck Breakfast at 9:00 am
Everyone is invited to eat breakfast together on Easter morning!
Some suggestions for food items you can bring:
casseroles, breads, pastries, fruit or any other
favorite breakfast dish you would like to share.
Easter Worship Service at 10:30 am
Nursery and Junior Worship will be available
Maundy Thursday recalls the events of the Last Supper, when Jesus instituted
communion and gave us his greatest command: to love each other. Join us in this service
as we reenact the Last Supper by experiencing the big moments in the meal, including
hand-washing, communion, hymns and prayer.
Good Friday, March 29th at 7:00 pm
This service focuses on the death and burial of Jesus Christ. As we tell the story of
Good Friday, we will have the opportunity to feel the impact of the death of Jesus,
and to show our respect and gratitude as he is laid in the tomb.
Easter Sunday Sunrise Service, March 31st at 6:30 am
Discover the empty tomb with us at Sunrise on Easter Sunday! We will gather away from
the sanctuary, then enter the sanctuary to find the tomb empty—and then we celebrate! (Please do not feel the need to dress up for this service. Mary and the other women were
not dressed to celebrate when they went to the tomb. Feel free to roll out of bed and
throw on some comfy clothes. Kids are welcome to come in their pajamas! Then you can
go home and get ready for the celebration!)
Easter Sunday Potluck Breakfast at 9:00 am
Everyone is invited to eat breakfast together on Easter morning!
Some suggestions for food items you can bring:
casseroles, breads, pastries, fruit or any other
favorite breakfast dish you would like to share.
Easter Worship Service at 10:30 am
Nursery and Junior Worship will be available

The Senior Ministry Team is planning a Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese sandwich luncheon on Hans Christian Anderson's birthday, April 2, 2024 at 11:30. The lunch will be followed by the movie depicting Han's life starring Danny Kaye. Please sign up by March 31 (Easter).
The Senior Ministry Team is planning a field trip to Stayton to enjoy a meal at the Community Center provided by the "Meals On Wheels" program on April 5. The bus or van will leave at 11:00 The cost will be $3.00 at the door. Please sign up by March 17 (St. Patrick's Day).
The TCCSBT (Turner Christian Church Senior Bowling "Team") and Cheerleaders group is growing! Come join the fun! We plan to have a bowling outing every other month. April 12 is our next trip. The bus leaves the church at 1:00 or meet us at Northgate Bowl at 1:30 The cost is $5.00 for bowlers and FREE for cheerleaders. Please sign up.
The Senior Ministry Team is planning a field trip to Stayton to enjoy a meal at the Community Center provided by the "Meals On Wheels" program on April 5. The bus or van will leave at 11:00 The cost will be $3.00 at the door. Please sign up by March 17 (St. Patrick's Day).
The TCCSBT (Turner Christian Church Senior Bowling "Team") and Cheerleaders group is growing! Come join the fun! We plan to have a bowling outing every other month. April 12 is our next trip. The bus leaves the church at 1:00 or meet us at Northgate Bowl at 1:30 The cost is $5.00 for bowlers and FREE for cheerleaders. Please sign up.

All Ladies are Invited to an Evening of Fun, Fellowship and Prayer!
We will watch the movie “Indiana Jones - The Dial of Destiny”
After the movie we will share in a time of prayer for our church and community.
Invite a friend to come with you and bring a snack to share!
We will watch the movie “Indiana Jones - The Dial of Destiny”
After the movie we will share in a time of prayer for our church and community.
Invite a friend to come with you and bring a snack to share!

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