June 2024 TCC Newsletter

June is the last month of this Sunday school term, which means this is my last article based on our class about the nature of the church. Today I would like to talk about something that comes up in Ephesians chapter 4.
This chapter is one of three places where Paul talks about the church as being a body (the others are Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31). This image is familiar to most of us, and when we talk about the congregation as a body we typically focus on the message of diversity: just as the body has many parts, so the church has many different types of people. It takes all kinds to be a church. This is certainly one of the lessons Paul wants us to draw from this image. However, there is another lesson he wants to learn in Ephesians, which we don’t discuss nearly as often. There Paul writes,
And he himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness. Then we will no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit. But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into him who is the head—Christ. From him the whole body, fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament, promotes the growth of the body for building itself up in love by the proper working of each individual part. (v. 11-16)
Let’s start by looking at the part of this passage that makes the most sense to us: God gave us various types of leaders in order to equip us so we can be mature Christians. We have preachers and teachers in the congregation to help us each become more mature as individual followers of Jesus. So far, so good! However, mature individuals is not Paul’s goal. After all, if the congregation is a body, it does no good for individual cells or organs to be healthy if the rest of the body is dead. Notice everything else Paul says here: it is the body that is being built up by the leaders. It is the body that Jesus is knitting together and building up in love. We individual Christians are the “supporting ligaments,” the “individual parts,” who contribute to the health and maturity of the body. We do not come to the church to receive the teaching or training that meets our own needs. We come to the church to be turned into mature parts of a healthy body. We seek maturity because only healthy, mature believers can be a healthy, mature body.
This makes me think of our key values: connecting, growing, and serving. We tend to think that serving is something we do for others, while connecting and growing are for ourselves. We worship because it feeds our needs. We grow because it helps us do life better. And that is true, but what Paul wants us to realize is that everything we do in the church is for each other. I seek spiritual growth, not only because it makes me a better person, but also because it makes me a better brother to my church family. I go to the worship service, not only because I receive something from it, but because my brothers and sisters receive something from my presence. If Turner Christian Church is going to be a mature body, capable of fulfilling its God-given mission, we are going to need healthy arms, legs, eyes, ears, and gall bladders. We are going to need mature brothers and sisters. We are going to need you.
This chapter is one of three places where Paul talks about the church as being a body (the others are Romans 12:3-8 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31). This image is familiar to most of us, and when we talk about the congregation as a body we typically focus on the message of diversity: just as the body has many parts, so the church has many different types of people. It takes all kinds to be a church. This is certainly one of the lessons Paul wants us to draw from this image. However, there is another lesson he wants to learn in Ephesians, which we don’t discuss nearly as often. There Paul writes,
And he himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ, until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of God’s Son, growing into maturity with a stature measured by Christ’s fullness. Then we will no longer be little children, tossed by the waves and blown around by every wind of teaching, by human cunning with cleverness in the techniques of deceit. But speaking the truth in love, let us grow in every way into him who is the head—Christ. From him the whole body, fitted and knit together by every supporting ligament, promotes the growth of the body for building itself up in love by the proper working of each individual part. (v. 11-16)
Let’s start by looking at the part of this passage that makes the most sense to us: God gave us various types of leaders in order to equip us so we can be mature Christians. We have preachers and teachers in the congregation to help us each become more mature as individual followers of Jesus. So far, so good! However, mature individuals is not Paul’s goal. After all, if the congregation is a body, it does no good for individual cells or organs to be healthy if the rest of the body is dead. Notice everything else Paul says here: it is the body that is being built up by the leaders. It is the body that Jesus is knitting together and building up in love. We individual Christians are the “supporting ligaments,” the “individual parts,” who contribute to the health and maturity of the body. We do not come to the church to receive the teaching or training that meets our own needs. We come to the church to be turned into mature parts of a healthy body. We seek maturity because only healthy, mature believers can be a healthy, mature body.
This makes me think of our key values: connecting, growing, and serving. We tend to think that serving is something we do for others, while connecting and growing are for ourselves. We worship because it feeds our needs. We grow because it helps us do life better. And that is true, but what Paul wants us to realize is that everything we do in the church is for each other. I seek spiritual growth, not only because it makes me a better person, but also because it makes me a better brother to my church family. I go to the worship service, not only because I receive something from it, but because my brothers and sisters receive something from my presence. If Turner Christian Church is going to be a mature body, capable of fulfilling its God-given mission, we are going to need healthy arms, legs, eyes, ears, and gall bladders. We are going to need mature brothers and sisters. We are going to need you.

I've Been Thinking About. . .Gorebridge!
I’ve been thinking about Gorebridge, Scotland. I spent two nights there once. It was not my fault.
While staying in St. Andrews, I would regularly visit my aunt and uncle. The family I lived with had a teenage daughter, Jess, and she would often visit them with me.
On one evening the two of us had been invited there for dinner. I told Jess to go ahead without me; I had a load of laundry that I needed to finish first. I finished the laundry, made the short walk to their home, and arrived a mere 30 minutes after the intended time.
I walked in the door to the sight of my aunt putting down the phone. She looked at me with eager eyes and exclaimed, “It’s all settled, we’ve just made the arrangements. You’re going to Gorebridge for New Years Eve!”
“Uhhh. . .what?” was my intelligent response.
In those short 30 minutes Jess and my aunt had hatched a plan and immediately followed through. Phone calls had been made, favors called in, housing secured and I was to be shipped off to Gorebridge for New Years Eve. It was settled.
Never mind I didn’t know anybody in Gorebridge, including the people they were sending me to. Never mind my aunt and uncle had no interest in coming with me. “You’re going to a Ceilidh for young people!
We’d get in the way! All we want is for you to enjoy New Years!”
I was locked into the commitment. To Gorebridge, I went.
And I met a wonderful and special woman; the mother of the family who hosted us. She had been, perhaps, slightly arm-twisted by my aunt to host an American stranger. I had been foisted on her the day of her church’s annual New Years Eve Ceilidh. Her adult son was running the event, her husband was the minister and overseeing it, her children were getting ready for it, and a 20-something appeared in her home in the middle of all that.
She was gracious. She was welcoming. And she shared my slight horror that my aunt had foisted this upon both of us.
The next day she invited me on a walk. We went on a long walk-maybe two hours. We went past ancient buildings and followed the road over rolling hills, sheep farms spread out below us. I talked and I talked to this woman I didn’t know, who just felt safe. She listened, and she cared. And then, a very little, she talked. She talked about ministry and faithfulness and life. I honestly only remember a few of the sentences. I more remember the gift of time. Her presence. Her care. Her faith shining through.
I often think about the woman I want to be. Sometimes this woman comes to mind. A busy home, a busy life, and yet she gave two wise and compassionate hours to a stranger. She didn’t seek to fix me. I don’t recall her offering advice. She listened, and she shared from her life. What an incredible gift.
We all have stories of life interruptions. We can all think of times when circumstances put us in unexpected places or connected us with unexpected people. We can approach these moments with a resigned attitude, grumpy or annoyed at the interruptions.
Or we can accept the twists and turns of life, and use unexpected moments to bless those around us.
How can you bring Him glory when you find yourself in unexpected circumstances?
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (emphasis my own).
I’ve been thinking about Gorebridge, Scotland. I spent two nights there once. It was not my fault.
While staying in St. Andrews, I would regularly visit my aunt and uncle. The family I lived with had a teenage daughter, Jess, and she would often visit them with me.
On one evening the two of us had been invited there for dinner. I told Jess to go ahead without me; I had a load of laundry that I needed to finish first. I finished the laundry, made the short walk to their home, and arrived a mere 30 minutes after the intended time.
I walked in the door to the sight of my aunt putting down the phone. She looked at me with eager eyes and exclaimed, “It’s all settled, we’ve just made the arrangements. You’re going to Gorebridge for New Years Eve!”
“Uhhh. . .what?” was my intelligent response.
In those short 30 minutes Jess and my aunt had hatched a plan and immediately followed through. Phone calls had been made, favors called in, housing secured and I was to be shipped off to Gorebridge for New Years Eve. It was settled.
Never mind I didn’t know anybody in Gorebridge, including the people they were sending me to. Never mind my aunt and uncle had no interest in coming with me. “You’re going to a Ceilidh for young people!
We’d get in the way! All we want is for you to enjoy New Years!”
I was locked into the commitment. To Gorebridge, I went.
And I met a wonderful and special woman; the mother of the family who hosted us. She had been, perhaps, slightly arm-twisted by my aunt to host an American stranger. I had been foisted on her the day of her church’s annual New Years Eve Ceilidh. Her adult son was running the event, her husband was the minister and overseeing it, her children were getting ready for it, and a 20-something appeared in her home in the middle of all that.
She was gracious. She was welcoming. And she shared my slight horror that my aunt had foisted this upon both of us.
The next day she invited me on a walk. We went on a long walk-maybe two hours. We went past ancient buildings and followed the road over rolling hills, sheep farms spread out below us. I talked and I talked to this woman I didn’t know, who just felt safe. She listened, and she cared. And then, a very little, she talked. She talked about ministry and faithfulness and life. I honestly only remember a few of the sentences. I more remember the gift of time. Her presence. Her care. Her faith shining through.
I often think about the woman I want to be. Sometimes this woman comes to mind. A busy home, a busy life, and yet she gave two wise and compassionate hours to a stranger. She didn’t seek to fix me. I don’t recall her offering advice. She listened, and she shared from her life. What an incredible gift.
We all have stories of life interruptions. We can all think of times when circumstances put us in unexpected places or connected us with unexpected people. We can approach these moments with a resigned attitude, grumpy or annoyed at the interruptions.
Or we can accept the twists and turns of life, and use unexpected moments to bless those around us.
How can you bring Him glory when you find yourself in unexpected circumstances?
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (emphasis my own).

As we reflect on the year that has passed in preschool, we are filled with pride and joy as we think about all that our students have achieved. From their first day of school to now, we have seen them grow and blossom in so many ways. Their curiosity, creativity, and resilience have shone through in everything they have done, and we are so grateful to have been a part of their journey. Looking through photos from the year, we can see the moments of joy, wonder, and discovery that have filled our days. From messy art projects to outdoor adventures, each experience has helped our students learn and grow in their own unique ways.
Throughout the year we have been focused on teaching in 4 key areas; academic, social/emotional, communication, and spiritual. As we prepare to send our students off to the next chapter in their lives, I would like to take this moment to ask you to join me in prayer once again:
Pray over their academic future; that they build on the foundation they received here, that they find joy in learning and being good students, and that they are a light to the kids around them for Jesus. May they continue to seek after knowledge, to excel in their studies, and to use their gifts and talents for the greater good.
Pray over their social and emotional well-being; that they continue to connect with others, that they use words to explain how they’re feeling and work through their emotions, and that they see God’s hand in their relationships. May they cultivate strong friendships, develop empathy and compassion for others, and navigate the complexities of human emotions with grace and understanding.
Pray for strengthened communication with friends, family, and teachers. Give them the words to communicate needs, emotions, and always ask questions. Please allow them to see the good in people’s differences, and that they learn from different perspectives.
Pray over their spiritual lives; may they continue to build on the foundation of their faith, to seek after God, to see God in the world around them, and to desire to follow after Him in all aspects of their lives. May they be a beacon of light and love, reflecting God’s grace and mercy to all those they encounter.
As we say goodbye to our students, we send them off with our prayers and blessings. We pray that they continue to grow and learn, that they be a light to those around them, and that they follow God all the days of their life. “May they be filled with wisdom and stature, and may they find favor with both God and man.” Luke 2:52
Throughout the year we have been focused on teaching in 4 key areas; academic, social/emotional, communication, and spiritual. As we prepare to send our students off to the next chapter in their lives, I would like to take this moment to ask you to join me in prayer once again:
Pray over their academic future; that they build on the foundation they received here, that they find joy in learning and being good students, and that they are a light to the kids around them for Jesus. May they continue to seek after knowledge, to excel in their studies, and to use their gifts and talents for the greater good.
Pray over their social and emotional well-being; that they continue to connect with others, that they use words to explain how they’re feeling and work through their emotions, and that they see God’s hand in their relationships. May they cultivate strong friendships, develop empathy and compassion for others, and navigate the complexities of human emotions with grace and understanding.
Pray for strengthened communication with friends, family, and teachers. Give them the words to communicate needs, emotions, and always ask questions. Please allow them to see the good in people’s differences, and that they learn from different perspectives.
Pray over their spiritual lives; may they continue to build on the foundation of their faith, to seek after God, to see God in the world around them, and to desire to follow after Him in all aspects of their lives. May they be a beacon of light and love, reflecting God’s grace and mercy to all those they encounter.
As we say goodbye to our students, we send them off with our prayers and blessings. We pray that they continue to grow and learn, that they be a light to those around them, and that they follow God all the days of their life. “May they be filled with wisdom and stature, and may they find favor with both God and man.” Luke 2:52
Little Lamb Christian Preschool will hold its graduation program on May 7th and classes will end for this term on June 13th. We thank our director, Bethany Robinson, and teaching assistant, Maritza Rivera, for their excellence and dedication in teaching children. Pray for them as they prepare for a new school year and program this September!
Little Lamb Christian Preschool will hold its graduation program on May 7th and classes will end for this term on June 13th. We thank our director, Bethany Robinson, and teaching assistant, Maritza Rivera, for their excellence and dedication in teaching children. Pray for them as they prepare for a new school year and program this September!

passed away and went home to the Lord on May 25, 2024.
There will not be a public memorial service.
Please keep her family in your prayers.

Will graduate from Cascade High School on June 5, 2024
Will graduate from Cascade High School on June 5, 2024
Will graduate from Cascade High School on June 5, 2024
Will graduate from North Salem High School on June 7, 2024

It is with tremendous gratitude that we announce the retirement of Don Campbell after 8 years of service as our church custodian. Thank you so much, Don, for your work during that time to maintain our building!
We are also excited to announce that we have hired a new church custodian. Richard Smart took up the custodial keys on Sunday, June 2, and we are excited to have him! You may remember Richard from when he played bass for our worship team before COVID. Richard recently retired as a mortician. Make sure to welcome him when you see him in the building or on Sundays!
We are also excited to announce that we have hired a new church custodian. Richard Smart took up the custodial keys on Sunday, June 2, and we are excited to have him! You may remember Richard from when he played bass for our worship team before COVID. Richard recently retired as a mortician. Make sure to welcome him when you see him in the building or on Sundays!

Fall will be here before we know it, and we want to be ready for every child who comes
into our building! We have team opportunities for all experience levels in nursery and kids programming. Whether you would like to be a sub, or a regular teacher, or something in-between―let's talk. To find out more information, or to begin conversations about getting involved talk to Pastor Rachel or schedule an appointment with her by calling, emailing,
or by using the QR code below.

Meetings are happening now through the first week of July.
There are opportunities to be involved on Sundays and midweek.
All volunteers will receive training and undergo a background check.
Fall will be here before we know it, and we want to be ready for every child who comes
into our building! We have team opportunities for all experience levels in nursery and kids programming. Whether you would like to be a sub, or a regular teacher, or something in-between―let's talk. To find out more information, or to begin conversations about getting involved talk to Pastor Rachel or schedule an appointment with her by calling, emailing,
or by using the QR code below.
Meetings are happening now through the first week of July.
There are opportunities to be involved on Sundays and midweek.
All volunteers will receive training and undergo a background check.

July 7―12
All Middle School students are invited to register and attend summer camp at Grove Christian Camp! Located in Dorena, Oregon, it will be a week of games, worship, outdoor recreation and Bible teaching. Register at: grovechristiancamp.org (for Middle School 1)
or contact Pastor Rachel for more information.
August 30—September 2
Are you looking for a time where you can get away with the whole family? How about a time where you and your family can grow in your faith and worship with other families? What about a sandy beach and a glassy lake? If all of these sound great, then Family Camp is for you! For four days, families come together for a camp experience for all ages!
Matt Holmes will be the Keynote Speaker!
Information and registration at:
Summer Youth Camps
(Located on the Oregon Coast in Cloverdale)
For Youth from 3rd―12th Grades
1st Junior Camp — June 23-29
1st Middle School Camp — July 7-13
1st High School Camp — July 14-20
First Chance Camp — July 21-24
2nd High School Camp — August 4-10
2nd Middle School Camp — August 11-17
2nd Junior Camp — August 18-24
Information and registration at:
July 7―12
All Middle School students are invited to register and attend summer camp at Grove Christian Camp! Located in Dorena, Oregon, it will be a week of games, worship, outdoor recreation and Bible teaching. Register at: grovechristiancamp.org (for Middle School 1)
or contact Pastor Rachel for more information.
August 30—September 2
Are you looking for a time where you can get away with the whole family? How about a time where you and your family can grow in your faith and worship with other families? What about a sandy beach and a glassy lake? If all of these sound great, then Family Camp is for you! For four days, families come together for a camp experience for all ages!
Matt Holmes will be the Keynote Speaker!
Information and registration at:
Summer Youth Camps
(Located on the Oregon Coast in Cloverdale)
For Youth from 3rd―12th Grades
1st Junior Camp — June 23-29
1st Middle School Camp — July 7-13
1st High School Camp — July 14-20
First Chance Camp — July 21-24
2nd High School Camp — August 4-10
2nd Middle School Camp — August 11-17
2nd Junior Camp — August 18-24
Information and registration at:

On June 4th at 10:30 am we are heading to Adelman's Peony Gardens. The website says that their grass pathways are wheelchair and walker friendly. We will enjoy a relaxing tour and learn about the different types of Peonies. Then we will enjoy a picnic lunch.
We are heading to the bowling alley again! Our scores are improving come join us either by bowling or being cheerleaders for those of us that need cheering on to improve. Bus Transportation leaves the church parking lot at 1 o'clock on June 7. Or you can meet us at Northgate Bowl, 2380 Northgate Avenue N.E., Salem, Oregon at 1:30 pm. Come prepared to have fun and cheer.
To sign up: https://subsplash.com/turnerchristianchurch/lb/ev/+zdz7n69
On June 4th at 10:30 am we are heading to Adelman's Peony Gardens. The website says that their grass pathways are wheelchair and walker friendly. We will enjoy a relaxing tour and learn about the different types of Peonies. Then we will enjoy a picnic lunch.
We are heading to the bowling alley again! Our scores are improving come join us either by bowling or being cheerleaders for those of us that need cheering on to improve. Bus Transportation leaves the church parking lot at 1 o'clock on June 7. Or you can meet us at Northgate Bowl, 2380 Northgate Avenue N.E., Salem, Oregon at 1:30 pm. Come prepared to have fun and cheer.
To sign up: https://subsplash.com/turnerchristianchurch/lb/ev/+zdz7n69

Sunday, June 9th after the Worship Service
Everyone is invited to a family check-in and potluck after church on June 9th! What's a "Family Check-In?" It's a time for the members of our church family to hear about what's going on in the ministries of the church. Our goal with these check-ins is to keep the congregation informed, engaged, and excited as we begin our summer. We hope to see you there! Last Names - A-H: Desserts, I-P: Main Dish, Q-Z: Sides/Salads
Friday, June 14th at 6:30 am
Turner Christian Church will be hosting a special breakfast to honor all the men of the church on Friday, June 14th. Fathers, sons, grand-fathers, uncles, and dear friends are all welcome. Come ready to eat a hearty breakfast, share in great fellowship, and hear from a guest speaker.
You can sign up at: https://subsplash.com/turnerchristianchurch/lb/ev/+vfr6fd9
Sunday, June 23, 2024
The Senior Ministry Team invites the congregation to come along to the Keizer Volcano Stadium to attend a baseball game! The outing will begin at the church at 3:00 pm with a hotdog meal! Then at 4:00 pm we will head to the stadium. The game starts at 5:05 pm. The church bus will be available, but most of us will car pool. We have been given free tickets, so please sign up in the church foyer so you can secure your free ticket and to make sure there will be a hot dog with your name on it!
You can sign up at: https://subsplash.com/turnerchristianchurch/lb/ev/+dzjfj54
Sunday, June 9th after the Worship Service
Everyone is invited to a family check-in and potluck after church on June 9th! What's a "Family Check-In?" It's a time for the members of our church family to hear about what's going on in the ministries of the church. Our goal with these check-ins is to keep the congregation informed, engaged, and excited as we begin our summer. We hope to see you there! Last Names - A-H: Desserts, I-P: Main Dish, Q-Z: Sides/Salads
Friday, June 14th at 6:30 am
Turner Christian Church will be hosting a special breakfast to honor all the men of the church on Friday, June 14th. Fathers, sons, grand-fathers, uncles, and dear friends are all welcome. Come ready to eat a hearty breakfast, share in great fellowship, and hear from a guest speaker.
You can sign up at: https://subsplash.com/turnerchristianchurch/lb/ev/+vfr6fd9
Sunday, June 23, 2024
The Senior Ministry Team invites the congregation to come along to the Keizer Volcano Stadium to attend a baseball game! The outing will begin at the church at 3:00 pm with a hotdog meal! Then at 4:00 pm we will head to the stadium. The game starts at 5:05 pm. The church bus will be available, but most of us will car pool. We have been given free tickets, so please sign up in the church foyer so you can secure your free ticket and to make sure there will be a hot dog with your name on it!
You can sign up at: https://subsplash.com/turnerchristianchurch/lb/ev/+dzjfj54

Ladies Movie & Prayer Night - taking a break in June and July
Ladies Wednesday Evening Study - Taking a summer break,will start meeting again in September
Men’s Bible Study & Discussion Group
June 10th is the last meeting before summer break; will start meeting again in September
Youth Group
(for those going into 5th—12th grades in Fall)
Will meet on selected Sundays through the summer from 5:30-7:30 pm
Ladies Movie & Prayer Night - taking a break in June and July
Ladies Wednesday Evening Study - Taking a summer break,will start meeting again in September
Men’s Bible Study & Discussion Group
June 10th is the last meeting before summer break; will start meeting again in September
Youth Group
(for those going into 5th—12th grades in Fall)
Will meet on selected Sundays through the summer from 5:30-7:30 pm

Through fun songs, crafts, dramas, and outdoor games, your child will get to be
immersed in the world of Spark Studios, learning what it is to know,
love and follow Jesus! And don’t miss the extra-fun on Thursday night―
the whole family is invited along for a barbeque dinner. It’s all free!

Join us as we celebrate
Saturday, July 6th, 1-4 pm
Urban Granary
5325 Denver St SE, Turner, OR
Light refreshments provided
In lieu of a card, please fill out a notecard with some of
your favorite memories and best wishes for Frank and Virginia
Saturday, July 6th, 1-4 pm
Urban Granary
5325 Denver St SE, Turner, OR
Light refreshments provided
In lieu of a card, please fill out a notecard with some of
your favorite memories and best wishes for Frank and Virginia

the 172nd Northwest Christian Convention | June 25 - 30, 2024
Are you ready for something good?
In the world, who are we, the Church, supposed to be and what are we supposed to be doing? The Church is called and designed to be good for the world by doing good in their community. Sound teaching is good for the world, not just doctrine for doctrine’s sake but actually good for human flourishing.
This June we are diving into how and why the Gospel is GOOD for the world.
We have a great set of sessions and workshop leaders, including those pictured on the front, as well as many others: Kip Lines, Julie White, Lisa Ruhl, Joe Hoover, and more! Get ready for energetic and interactive Children and Youth programs led by The Groves, Rachel White, Jack Holvey, Bethany Fussell and the Stoker family. There is something for everyone, of every stage and vocation or calling at the Northwest Christian Convention.
Come join us June 25 - 30, 2024, and let’s explore what it means to be “Good for the World!”
For more information and registration: https://www.nwchristiannetwork.com/nwcc
Each summer Turner Christian Church meets with other Christians attending the Northwest Christian Convention for Sunday worship in the Tabernacle. There will be no meetings in the TCC building that day.
the 172nd Northwest Christian Convention | June 25 - 30, 2024
Are you ready for something good?
In the world, who are we, the Church, supposed to be and what are we supposed to be doing? The Church is called and designed to be good for the world by doing good in their community. Sound teaching is good for the world, not just doctrine for doctrine’s sake but actually good for human flourishing.
This June we are diving into how and why the Gospel is GOOD for the world.
We have a great set of sessions and workshop leaders, including those pictured on the front, as well as many others: Kip Lines, Julie White, Lisa Ruhl, Joe Hoover, and more! Get ready for energetic and interactive Children and Youth programs led by The Groves, Rachel White, Jack Holvey, Bethany Fussell and the Stoker family. There is something for everyone, of every stage and vocation or calling at the Northwest Christian Convention.
Come join us June 25 - 30, 2024, and let’s explore what it means to be “Good for the World!”
For more information and registration: https://www.nwchristiannetwork.com/nwcc
Each summer Turner Christian Church meets with other Christians attending the Northwest Christian Convention for Sunday worship in the Tabernacle. There will be no meetings in the TCC building that day.

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