December 2024 TCC Newsletter

Click below for newsletter style pdf version

When does the Christmas season start for you? These days there are three common answers: the “orthodox” answer is the day after Thanksgiving; the “heretical” answer is the day after Halloween; the “legalist” answer is, at sundown on December 24th. Of the three, the last one is the least common. Technically, however, the Christian calendar marks December 25th as the first day of the Christmas season, which lasts until January 6th (hence the twelve days of Christmas). In the Christian calendar, the season leading up to Christmas is Advent, and it begins four Sundays before Christmas (which is usually, but not always, the Sunday after Thanksgiving).
On technicality, the legalist position is the correct one. In practice, I don’t think there is a right answer–there are much more important questions than when we start listening to Christmas music and putting up decorations. One of those important things, however, is the message of Advent. This season is all about waiting for the coming of Jesus. We look back to the stories of God’s people waiting for the birth of Jesus in order to learn how we should be waiting for Jesus to return again. It may not matter when you start preparing for the Christmas holiday, but it matters very much whether you are preparing for the return of Jesus!
What does it mean to be prepared for Jesus to return? Rather than answer that question, I want to ask you to ponder it on your own. Peter tells us,
In the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” (2 Peter 3:3-4)
It is easy for us to live our lives assuming that the sun will keep rising every day, just like it has every day since the beginning of the world. We bet our lives on the expectation that the sun will rise again. But how would you live differently if you knew that Jesus was going to return at some point? What would you want to be doing when he showed up? How would you want to have spent your life when he returns?
If we really believe that Jesus is coming back, then that belief should affect how we live every day. This is what we will focus on in our Advent sermon series. We are all waiting for Jesus to come back, but are we expecting it? Are we betting our lives on the expectation that the Son will return again?
I pray that God may bless you and yours this Christmas season, that he may bring joy to your hearts, that he will fill you with the sure and certain hope of the coming of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
God bless you, and Merry Christmas!
On technicality, the legalist position is the correct one. In practice, I don’t think there is a right answer–there are much more important questions than when we start listening to Christmas music and putting up decorations. One of those important things, however, is the message of Advent. This season is all about waiting for the coming of Jesus. We look back to the stories of God’s people waiting for the birth of Jesus in order to learn how we should be waiting for Jesus to return again. It may not matter when you start preparing for the Christmas holiday, but it matters very much whether you are preparing for the return of Jesus!
What does it mean to be prepared for Jesus to return? Rather than answer that question, I want to ask you to ponder it on your own. Peter tells us,
In the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” (2 Peter 3:3-4)
It is easy for us to live our lives assuming that the sun will keep rising every day, just like it has every day since the beginning of the world. We bet our lives on the expectation that the sun will rise again. But how would you live differently if you knew that Jesus was going to return at some point? What would you want to be doing when he showed up? How would you want to have spent your life when he returns?
If we really believe that Jesus is coming back, then that belief should affect how we live every day. This is what we will focus on in our Advent sermon series. We are all waiting for Jesus to come back, but are we expecting it? Are we betting our lives on the expectation that the Son will return again?
I pray that God may bless you and yours this Christmas season, that he may bring joy to your hearts, that he will fill you with the sure and certain hope of the coming of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
God bless you, and Merry Christmas!

I was wearing my new sport swimsuit and my swim cap. I was in the water swimming. I looked like a water polo player. But I had no idea what I was doing. It was my first water polo game and no one had bothered to explain the rules to us.
In the middle of the pool there was some action going on. A few girls on my team were familiar with the game or had played before. I paddled around at the edge, trying to look busy and productive. The splash of the water got in my ears, eyes and mouth. At one point I asked my opponent if she had any idea what we were supposed to be doing. It was her first game too, and she did not. Parents and coaches were yelling from the pool’s edge and stands. Directions and encouragements were shouted over the splash of the water.
I just wanted it to be over.
Despite my disastrous first game, I ended up playing water polo for three years in high school. I spent hours and hours in the pool every week, coached and corrected constantly. I reeked of chlorine all the time, but I enjoyed myself. I knew the game, I liked the game, and while I was never going to be a polo star, I became a decent player.
Things in life change when we understand the parameters and we have people helping us learn how to reach the goal.
I’ve been thinking about this in terms of emotional health and emotional maturity. Some of us have had great coaches, helping us learn how Christians engage with and express their
emotions. Some of us had bad coaches, or no coaches, and have tried to learn emotional
maturity from the thick of it, occasionally catching a word or a phrase yelled at us from the
stands. Sometimes it can feel like we’re read the soccer manual, and are trying to make that
work for a water polo game.
Emotions are a gift from the Lord. He who made us, gave us this good gift. And with it, we can feel love, we can feel happiness and joy and contentment. We can feel righteous grief and righteous anger at the brokenness of the world, the sin-nature expressing itself, injustice and loss.
We also know, as believers, that emotions are not a good barometer of truth. Like everything else in this fallen world, they are out of whack from what they should be. If emotions are what we are building our lives on, they can lead us left and right, to and fro, and anywhere but to God. But they are a good barometer of what is going on inside of us. They might indicate to us that we’re afraid, happy, angry or grieving. They might feel out of control, or inaccessible. Those are all pieces of information, that when carefully considered, and appropriately expressed and prayed over, can lead us to a deeper relationship with God and healthier relationships with those around us.
But how do we get from that first, confusing game to a place where we have a sense of what is going on with our emotions? For the next few articles, I’ll be looking at various emotions and suggestions for engaging with them in God-honoring ways. In the meantime, perhaps bring your emotions before the Lord. Ask Him for guidance in engaging with them. Ask him for the strength to be honest with Him about how you’re feeling and the wisdom to not be led astray by those feelings.
If you are could use extra support, or are experiencing debilitating and long-term emotional
distress, please reach out to a licensed Christian mental health counselor. In all emergency
situations, call 9-1-1.
In the middle of the pool there was some action going on. A few girls on my team were familiar with the game or had played before. I paddled around at the edge, trying to look busy and productive. The splash of the water got in my ears, eyes and mouth. At one point I asked my opponent if she had any idea what we were supposed to be doing. It was her first game too, and she did not. Parents and coaches were yelling from the pool’s edge and stands. Directions and encouragements were shouted over the splash of the water.
I just wanted it to be over.
Despite my disastrous first game, I ended up playing water polo for three years in high school. I spent hours and hours in the pool every week, coached and corrected constantly. I reeked of chlorine all the time, but I enjoyed myself. I knew the game, I liked the game, and while I was never going to be a polo star, I became a decent player.
Things in life change when we understand the parameters and we have people helping us learn how to reach the goal.
I’ve been thinking about this in terms of emotional health and emotional maturity. Some of us have had great coaches, helping us learn how Christians engage with and express their
emotions. Some of us had bad coaches, or no coaches, and have tried to learn emotional
maturity from the thick of it, occasionally catching a word or a phrase yelled at us from the
stands. Sometimes it can feel like we’re read the soccer manual, and are trying to make that
work for a water polo game.
Emotions are a gift from the Lord. He who made us, gave us this good gift. And with it, we can feel love, we can feel happiness and joy and contentment. We can feel righteous grief and righteous anger at the brokenness of the world, the sin-nature expressing itself, injustice and loss.
We also know, as believers, that emotions are not a good barometer of truth. Like everything else in this fallen world, they are out of whack from what they should be. If emotions are what we are building our lives on, they can lead us left and right, to and fro, and anywhere but to God. But they are a good barometer of what is going on inside of us. They might indicate to us that we’re afraid, happy, angry or grieving. They might feel out of control, or inaccessible. Those are all pieces of information, that when carefully considered, and appropriately expressed and prayed over, can lead us to a deeper relationship with God and healthier relationships with those around us.
But how do we get from that first, confusing game to a place where we have a sense of what is going on with our emotions? For the next few articles, I’ll be looking at various emotions and suggestions for engaging with them in God-honoring ways. In the meantime, perhaps bring your emotions before the Lord. Ask Him for guidance in engaging with them. Ask him for the strength to be honest with Him about how you’re feeling and the wisdom to not be led astray by those feelings.
If you are could use extra support, or are experiencing debilitating and long-term emotional
distress, please reach out to a licensed Christian mental health counselor. In all emergency
situations, call 9-1-1.

We have started a meal train for the Robinson Family
(Bethany, Steven, Evelyn, Myra, and Josie).
Bethany had surgery on November 13th
and recovery will last six weeks.
There are three ways to sign up:
1. Click on the link in the Church App
(Home page > TCC Community > Robinson Meal Train)
2. Go to
3. Contact Casey Holmes at 217.781.3262 (text preferred)
(Bethany, Steven, Evelyn, Myra, and Josie).
Bethany had surgery on November 13th
and recovery will last six weeks.
There are three ways to sign up:
1. Click on the link in the Church App
(Home page > TCC Community > Robinson Meal Train)
2. Go to
3. Contact Casey Holmes at 217.781.3262 (text preferred)

Dorothy Sargent
passed away and went home to the Lord on November 28, 2024.
A Celebration of Life held at Turner Christian Church on January 18, 2025.
Time will be announced later.
passed away and went home to the Lord on November 28, 2024.
A Celebration of Life held at Turner Christian Church on January 18, 2025.
Time will be announced later.

The Annual Congregational Meeting was held on November 24th
with good fellowship, food and information about various ministries.
All the Candidates and the Budget for 2025 were approved by the congregation.
A listing of all officers and leaders will be included in next months' newsletter.
with good fellowship, food and information about various ministries.
All the Candidates and the Budget for 2025 were approved by the congregation.
A listing of all officers and leaders will be included in next months' newsletter.

Blue Christmas Service
Sunday, December 22nd at 3:00 pm
This service is designed for those who face feelings of grief and loss during the
Christmas Season—-for those who need space to remember their loss and their lost
loved ones in this season of hope. All are invited to join in singing carols, reading
scripture, remembering, and hoping in the coming of Christ.
Seniors Turner Christmas Lights Bus Tour
Monday, December 23rd at 6:30 pm
Sparkle, Sparkle, Twinkle, Twinkle! it is Christmas in the town of Turner! Sponsored by the Seniors group, everyone is invited to come and enjoy Christmas light displays in Turner
The bus and carpool will leave the Church parking lot at 6:30 pm and return to the
church building to enjoy some hot chocolate and good fellowship with one another.
You can register for this event on the church app:
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
Tuesday, December 24th at 3:00 pm & 6:00 pm (Identical Services)
Join us for a service of readings, carols, and candlelight as we celebrate the birth of Christ!
Blue Christmas Service
Sunday, December 22nd at 3:00 pm
This service is designed for those who face feelings of grief and loss during the
Christmas Season—-for those who need space to remember their loss and their lost
loved ones in this season of hope. All are invited to join in singing carols, reading
scripture, remembering, and hoping in the coming of Christ.
Seniors Turner Christmas Lights Bus Tour
Monday, December 23rd at 6:30 pm
Sparkle, Sparkle, Twinkle, Twinkle! it is Christmas in the town of Turner! Sponsored by the Seniors group, everyone is invited to come and enjoy Christmas light displays in Turner
The bus and carpool will leave the Church parking lot at 6:30 pm and return to the
church building to enjoy some hot chocolate and good fellowship with one another.
You can register for this event on the church app:
Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
Tuesday, December 24th at 3:00 pm & 6:00 pm (Identical Services)
Join us for a service of readings, carols, and candlelight as we celebrate the birth of Christ!

Oregon Spirit Chorus Holiday Show
December 7th at 2:00 pm
Come join the Church Family and enjoy a day of celebration of the Christmas season. Rachel White will be singing in this program so let's support her and enjoy a great afternoon of music. The cost for a ticket will be $15.00. See Virginia Musgrave for tickets. We will carpool from the Church at 1:30 pm to Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer.
Christmas Movie and Lunch
December 11th at 11:30 am
Come join the fun as we watch a Christmas movie and have lunch together. This activity is sure to get you in the holiday spirit! Be sure to wear your Christmas sweaters and clothing. Lunch will be served at 11:30 am with a movie to follow.
You can register for this event on the church app:
Bowling at Northgate Bowl
December 20th at 2:30 pm
The Turner Christian Church Bowling Team is at it again! Strikes, Spares, and Gutters it doesn't matter come and bowl or cheer our team. The cost is $5.00 if you bowl and FREE if you just want to be a cheerleader. The team is growing so please join in on the fun.
You can register for this event on the church app:
New Years Eve Party—Jerusalem Style
December 31st at 1:00 pm
Happy New Year! It is 12:00 midnight in Jerusalem and we shall celebrate the new year. Come to the Church and join in the fun and games. Yes, there will be snacks and of course some games and entertainment. THE FUN WILL START AT 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
at the Church. You might even want to bring a friend—the more the merrier.
You can register for this event on the church app:
December 7th at 2:00 pm
Come join the Church Family and enjoy a day of celebration of the Christmas season. Rachel White will be singing in this program so let's support her and enjoy a great afternoon of music. The cost for a ticket will be $15.00. See Virginia Musgrave for tickets. We will carpool from the Church at 1:30 pm to Dayspring Fellowship in Keizer.
Christmas Movie and Lunch
December 11th at 11:30 am
Come join the fun as we watch a Christmas movie and have lunch together. This activity is sure to get you in the holiday spirit! Be sure to wear your Christmas sweaters and clothing. Lunch will be served at 11:30 am with a movie to follow.
You can register for this event on the church app:
Bowling at Northgate Bowl
December 20th at 2:30 pm
The Turner Christian Church Bowling Team is at it again! Strikes, Spares, and Gutters it doesn't matter come and bowl or cheer our team. The cost is $5.00 if you bowl and FREE if you just want to be a cheerleader. The team is growing so please join in on the fun.
You can register for this event on the church app:
New Years Eve Party—Jerusalem Style
December 31st at 1:00 pm
Happy New Year! It is 12:00 midnight in Jerusalem and we shall celebrate the new year. Come to the Church and join in the fun and games. Yes, there will be snacks and of course some games and entertainment. THE FUN WILL START AT 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall
at the Church. You might even want to bring a friend—the more the merrier.
You can register for this event on the church app:

Bible Study For Everyone (Carol George)
A chapter-by-chapter study of books of the Bible using an accompanying workbook.
This class runs continuously throughout the year.
Talking With God (Frank Musgrave)
Practical tools to help Christians develop deeper habits of prayer,
such as reading prayers, writing prayers, and other practices.
Restoring Spiritual Passion (Frank Loyd)
Ever feel spiritual apathy? Spiritual lethargy?
We’ll look at some of the causes and possible remedies to the blahs of the spirit.
Ministry With Children (Rachel White)
Ministry with children is a whole-church endeavor. Whether your role is praying faithfully
for the children we worship alongside or the children we don't know yet, whether you
are getting to know a young family here at church or supporting your grandchildren,
whether you are teaching . . . there is a role for all of us in ministry with children.
This class will be a joyful look at connecting more deeply with children and increasing
our ability to be lifelong learners when it comes to ministry with and to them.
Bible Study For Everyone (Carol George)
A chapter-by-chapter study of books of the Bible using an accompanying workbook.
This class runs continuously throughout the year.
Talking With God (Frank Musgrave)
Practical tools to help Christians develop deeper habits of prayer,
such as reading prayers, writing prayers, and other practices.
Restoring Spiritual Passion (Frank Loyd)
Ever feel spiritual apathy? Spiritual lethargy?
We’ll look at some of the causes and possible remedies to the blahs of the spirit.
Ministry With Children (Rachel White)
Ministry with children is a whole-church endeavor. Whether your role is praying faithfully
for the children we worship alongside or the children we don't know yet, whether you
are getting to know a young family here at church or supporting your grandchildren,
whether you are teaching . . . there is a role for all of us in ministry with children.
This class will be a joyful look at connecting more deeply with children and increasing
our ability to be lifelong learners when it comes to ministry with and to them.

On behalf of many of our community families, the Food Bank volunteers would like to thank you for your generous donations to our recent food drive. We had over 70 families sign up to receive a Holiday Food Box this year. The TCC family, along with Turner Elementary School, provided most of the needed goods to fulfill that need. Thank you!

On the evening of Monday, November 25th, a truckload of 10,286 Shoebox gifts departed from Salem to head to the processing center in Denver, Colorado. These Shoeboxes were collected from throughout Marion and Polk counties during the week prior. What a joy to witness this blessing! We now rest in the knowledge that God is preparing the hearts and minds of these 10,286 children (and many more) to receive the Good News of Jesus Christ and His love and offer of salvation. Please continue to pray with us that these children can then share what they've learned with their families and friends.
Our Salem Area Team was able to fill 1317 Shoeboxes this year, and our faithful supporters at TCC had a big part in that. Your donations of money and goods and time helped so much and for that we are very grateful. Thank you!
Our Shoebox Work Shoppe here in Turner on the Turner Homes campus has become a huge blessing in so many ways. Not only do we have a space in which to prepare items for the Shoeboxes, but it's also a set time and place for a weekly fellowship of dedicated Shoebox volunteers. It's a place of sharing with and praying for and supporting not only this ministry, but also each other. We're open most every Tuesday afternoon at noon for a few hours and you are welcome to join us anytime.
Our Salem Area Team was able to fill 1317 Shoeboxes this year, and our faithful supporters at TCC had a big part in that. Your donations of money and goods and time helped so much and for that we are very grateful. Thank you!
Our Shoebox Work Shoppe here in Turner on the Turner Homes campus has become a huge blessing in so many ways. Not only do we have a space in which to prepare items for the Shoeboxes, but it's also a set time and place for a weekly fellowship of dedicated Shoebox volunteers. It's a place of sharing with and praying for and supporting not only this ministry, but also each other. We're open most every Tuesday afternoon at noon for a few hours and you are welcome to join us anytime.

Hope for the Holidays
It's almost that time of year again! In the month of December we will be collecting presents to give to families through Family Building Blocks. FBB is a local non-profit organization committed to keeping children safe and families together. They work with families experiencing exacerbated life stressors who have children aged 0-5. FBB has a very high success rate (99%) in keeping families together in an improved home environment.
Want to participate? Starting Sunday, December 1st, you can grab a gift tag from the lobby Christmas tree. Go shopping for that item and return it to the church by Dec. 22nd. Most items will be board games, activities, and warm clothes for the winter. Let's pray that these gifts will be a great blessing and encouragement to these families experiencing hardship.
It's almost that time of year again! In the month of December we will be collecting presents to give to families through Family Building Blocks. FBB is a local non-profit organization committed to keeping children safe and families together. They work with families experiencing exacerbated life stressors who have children aged 0-5. FBB has a very high success rate (99%) in keeping families together in an improved home environment.
Want to participate? Starting Sunday, December 1st, you can grab a gift tag from the lobby Christmas tree. Go shopping for that item and return it to the church by Dec. 22nd. Most items will be board games, activities, and warm clothes for the winter. Let's pray that these gifts will be a great blessing and encouragement to these families experiencing hardship.

Since we will be having Christmas Eve Services on December 24,
the Thursday Evening Service for December 26 has been canceled.
the Thursday Evening Service for December 26 has been canceled.

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